The Penguins
All birds come from eggs. The mother birds lays the eggs, and then mothers birds or the father birds sits on the eggs until it is time for them to hatch. The Penguins each baby birds pecks and hits the shell of its eggs with its beak until the shell breaks open. The baby birds cannot fly or get food. Its needs its parents to bring it food and keep it warm. When a parent bird sits on the nest, the baby bird snuggles, or presses, into the parent’s belly. The parents preen their own feathers. Then they also brush the baby bird is soft feather. This help keeps the baby birds warm. The penguin father is bigger and fatter than the mama. Penguins after three days the mama penguins come to the end of the ice. Penguins are birds. The study of Penguin is in Biology . They have flipper is instead of wings. They swim rather than fly. Some penguin lives in Antarctica, where the land and much of the water around it’s frozen. Penguins do not have nest, so a pengu...